Who’s Who
Come and meet the staff at our school
Executive Headteacher
Ms. Imogen Wallis
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Children in Care and Prevent Lead
History and Geography Lead
Head of School
Mrs Natalie Diwan
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Online Safety Lead
Year 5/6 teacher
IT Lead
All teachers can be contacted through the school office.
Class Teachers
Mrs Sue Plowman – Year 3/4 teacher (Monday-Wednesday) and English Lead
Mrs Becca Duff -Year 3/4 teacher (Thursday-Friday) RE and Music
Miss Emma Ward. Reception, Year 1/2 teacher and art and DT lead
Consultant SENCO
Mrs Nicola Frolish
HLTA and Forest School Lead
Mrs Kelly Hammond
Mrs Louise Crouch
Mrs Sam Taylor
Forest School Assistant and Talking and Drawing
Mrs Lesley Hall
Office Admin
Mrs Emma Morris and
Mrs Carly Holland (Finance)
School Lunches
Wetheringsett Manor School
Midday Supervisors
Mrs Emma Morris
Mrs Lesley Hall
Mrs Sam Taylor
Mrs Louise Crouch
Mrs Daisy Brummitt
Mr Michael Stannard
Mrs Sue Stannard
Staff Union Officials
We have no staff who are union officials and need to take time off work to carry out their union work