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Wetheringsett C of E Primary School

It is the smallest of all seeds but when it grows up it is the biggest of all plants. It becomes a tree, so that birds come and make their nests.' Matthew 13:32

DMAT Passport

At Wetheringsett CE Primary, we facilitate our pupils having a wide range of experiences throughout their time with us.

We always try hard to provide an exciting and rich curriculum that contains some key experiences for all the children throughout school. We plan these in to link with our topics, or local events. We aim to use a range of local resources - our local church and local environmental opportunities as well as some experiences that take place further afield, in cities or contrasting locations.


To meet this need we have designed a series of passports, which we call Life Enrichment Passports. Each year group has its own bespoke set to link to either Year A or Year B of our topic plans. As well as enrichment activities which are ongoing (Eg forest schools) 


We aim for them to participate in and experience the activities outlined in the passport. 
