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Wetheringsett C of E Primary School

It is the smallest of all seeds but when it grows up it is the biggest of all plants. It becomes a tree, so that birds come and make their nests.' Matthew 13:32


Wetheringsett Church of England  Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and seeks to ensure that all of its services, staff and volunteers work to achieve the best outcomes for them.


At Wetheringsett child protection is given the highest priority by all staff and governors. We recognise that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe. We therefore ensure that the following is in place:


  • Training- all staff receive appropriate Safeguarding training which is regularly updated
  • Ensuring a safe learning environment
  • Knowing the signs of abuse and what to look for
  • Making referrals to Customer First
  • Identifying children in need of extra help or at risk of significant harm
  • Being aware of the schools’ safeguarding procedures


Safeguarding Personnel - Who to talk to if you have a concern

 Imogen Wallis DSL     Natalie Diwan DSL       Emma Morris DSL

The Designated Safeguarding Leads  Ms Imogen Wallis, Mrs Natalie Diwan and Mrs Emma Morris

The Looked After Children Lead is ;Ms Imogen Wallis

The Online Safety Lead is: Mrs Natalie Diwan



Children at Wetheringsett C of E Primary use the internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. Technology enhances learning and we want to ensure that pupils get the most from it by encouraging responsible online behaviour.

In school we use a robust filtering system to prevent children accessing inappropriate sites. We include online safety into our curriculum teaching children the importance of keeping themselves safe online.

The school are proactive in supporting safe practise online at home. Here are some tips to help you to keep your children safe online: 


The Prevent lead is Mrs Natalie Diwan


Prevent is all about safeguarding individuals who maybe vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism.  


The Named Safeguarding Governor is: Mrs N Mckay


The Chair of Governors is Revd. Chrissie Smart


Alternatively, if you are worried that a child or young person is at risk of abuse or neglect, please contact Customer First on 0808 800 4005.

The Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) can be contacted via email or

0300 123044


Unless you are a professional who works with children or adults, you will not have to give your name, and as long as you are not a professional who works with children, your conversation will be treated confidentially.

Helpful Links

E-Safety policy

DSL Role Description

Filtering and Monitoring
