'It is the smallest of all seeds but when it grows up...It becomes a tree...' Matthew 13:32
At Wetheringsett Primary School we are committed to delivering a lively and engaging mathematics curriculum.
We believe that maths gives children a powerful set of tools to help them understand the world around them. These tools include logical reasoning and problem solving skills, as well as essential basic skills of calculation and number work. We also believe that children learn best when they make links between maths and real life. We aim to provide children with the opportunity to use their mathematical thinking across the curriculum.
At Wetheringsett C of E Primary School, we have adopted the White Rose approach to the teaching of mathematics, here is a section from their website that really embodies why we think it is the best approach for the children of our school.
"Together, we’re building a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. No matter what their starting points, we help teachers and learners everywhere to achieve excellence.
As we prove this to pupils and teachers alike, we’re shaping assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths. They become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills not only liberate them in maths but also support them across the curriculum.
We’re committed to working together to be and give the very best, and to make a difference to every pupil."
- At an early stage mathematical language and understanding is developed through play.
- Key Stages 1 and 2 follow the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme, ensuring progression within and between year groups
- Resources are arranged to enable pupils’ independent access and choice; every class has a range of ‘manipulatives’ (equipment to handle, support and illustrate mathematical problems).
- Children are explicitly taught mathematical language; key vocabulary is pre-taught, revisited and extended as children progress through the year groups; maths displays include a range of sentence starters to support children in their mathematical explanations.
- Formation of written digits is taught explicitly to ensure correct formation and orientation.
- Written work is marked both ‘live’, ensuring teachers quickly identify any misconceptions, and between lessons, with both verbal and written feedback given.
- All children have the opportunity to take on challenges, to allow them to further develop their mathematical understanding.
- Children are taught explicit maths skills to support in other subjects such as science and geography.
- Children are given opportunities to reflect and analyse their own work and the work of others.
- From Year 2 Children are expected to practise and learn age appropriate times tables at home; all KS1 and KS2 children have an individual login for Times Table Rock Stars.
By the end of their time at Wetheringsett, children will have a secure and in-depth mathematical understanding, equipping them with important life skills. They will have a thorough grasp of the vocabulary required to discuss their mathematical thinking in all areas of maths, ready to progress their maths knowledge at high school with the ability to apply maths skills throughout the curriculum.
Give lots of praise and encouragement. Play games and have fun with maths!
Be positive about maths even if you don’t feel confident about it yourself.
Explain that it’s okay to make mistakes – they help us to learn!
Talk and listen to your child about their work in maths. It will help your child if they have to explain it to you.
Talk about and use maths in everyday situations. For example, telling the time, baking a cake or using money in a shop.
Count! Daily counting makes children more confident with number and can easily be done without pencil and paper. You could count lots of different things, including the people in a queue, cars in a traffic jam and items in a shopping trolley.
Practise times tables! Knowing these well helps with so many other areas of maths. There are lots of games you can play on the websites.
Practise the KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) that are sent home each half term. Learning these gives your child the tools they need to work out calculations quickly. Little and often is best. One child suggested doing them in the ad breaks whenever you are watching TV, which is a great idea! A copy of each year groups KIRFs can be found at the bottom of this page.
When it comes to times tables, speed and accuracy are important. The more facts children can remember, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations.
Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help children master their times tables. All children, from year 2, will have been given a login for the website by their class teacher. If your child is having difficulty logging on please speak to their class teacher.
The link to the website is:
To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds!
A national multiplication check has been introduced in year 4. Children should know all times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. For more information on this please read the information for parents document.
Children will be taught explicit lessons in school; however teachers would appreciate help from parents in ensuring children are fluent with this as they will only have 6 seconds to answer each question! The Soundcheck game simulates this check.
USEFUL WEBSITES has lots of ideas and games to play clearly set out website with games in different areas of maths ideas for maths in real life plus more useful links has suggestions and games for lots of subjects has lots of videos and exercises for children to follow at their own pace if they are unsure of something. This may be of particular use to our KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) children find this particularly useful also has lots of videos and exercises for children to follow at their own pace if they are unsure of something and again may be of particular use to our KS2 children.
These are the things they enjoy about maths:
"I enjoy learning different things that will help in the future."
"I enjoy getting hard challenges."
"I like learning new things."
"My teacher makes it easy to understand."
"It makes me think quite hard."
"I enjoy working out the answer. It's not just about getting the right answer, it's about the working out."
They told us these things help them to learn:
maths packs
working walls
things to count out
Maths progression
Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Year 1)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Year 2)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Year 3)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Year 4)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Year 5)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Year 6)
Maths at the Movies