Our Vision
The Mustard Seed
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, when it is grown, it
…becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.
Matthew 13:31 – 32
Vision Statement
Our vision has been grown from The Parable of the Mustard Seed. When you walk into our school,
you will see an associated quotation from Matthew 13:31-32 written in large lettering on the wall of
our reception area. When you walk through the second set of doors you will see an ever- changing
display created by our pupils, reflecting their understanding of the academic, social and spiritual
growth that goes hand in hand with them belonging to our school and with it, their spirit of
continuous personal development underpinned by pastoral care. At our school everyone is
welcomed and included, and everyone has opportunities to thrive.
In the Gospel of Matthew, the mustard seed is described as the smallest of seeds but with capacity
to grow into a tree which provides branches for birds to land and flourish. Like the Mustard Tree, our
aim is to provide the foundations which enable our pupils to flourish both as part of a school family
and as unique individuals and future world citizens.
Our curriculum offer stems from this vision. Each subject is mapped out according to three Big Ideas
linked to the growth of academic concepts which build sequentially on prior knowledge and
Our by-line, Sowing, Growing and Knowing speaks of this process. As one of pupils wrote as part of
her acrostic prayer on the subject:
We learn each day with support from others
Every person is loved and respected
The Mustard Tree grows alongside us
Here everyone is welcomed with open arms
Everyone is remembered as memories are everlasting
Responsibility is given to be kind hardworking and respectful
In times tough and easy we stand by each other
Nothing will sop us from being kind and supportive
Going on trips when memories are made
So we help and respect other through everything
Every child, every adult is loved and respected
To learn to love and care we follow the light of God
Together we will grow
Alexa Spivey Year 6
November 2023
"Growing knowledge and skills for life" sums up what we are about as a school. We want children to leave this stage of their education with all the skills they need to be successful as they go forward. This means a firm academic foundation, but also the wider skills to be successful individual, members of their community and citizens.
We value and cherish each child, supporting all to be successful.
Our Christian values underpin everything we do.